Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Shopping Online

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Tuesday, June 20, 2023

World of Travel - Plan your travel information systems

Travel, Tourism, Restaurants, and Hotels

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From sandy beaches to towering mountains, our travel packages cater to every wanderlust soul. Whether you seek adventure, cultural immersion, or relaxation, we have the perfect itinerary for you. Join us in discovering the wonders of the world!


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From local street food to gourmet dining, our curated restaurant guide will lead you to the finest establishments. Immerse yourself in the rich flavors and diverse cuisines of each destination. Discover hidden gems and savor every bite of the local delicacies. Let your taste buds embark on an extraordinary adventure!


Experience comfort, luxury, and warm hospitality in our handpicked selection of hotels.

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Whether you prefer boutique hotels, cozy bed and breakfasts, or 5-star resorts, we have accommodations to suit every traveler's needs. Relax and unwind in stylish rooms, enjoy world-class amenities, and let our partner hotels cater to your every need. Your home away from home awaits!

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Tuesday, February 15, 2022


 Friendship is one of society and cultural noble act. People live and die on friendship, in fact, your personality today is due to a friendship you had and developed over years and years. However, friendship should be always between people as well, but also, it can be developed with materialistic things such as books, music and painting. people have proven friendly relationships with each other, with animals and other creatures. Nevertheless, it is important to understand who is the dearest thing to us.

الصداقة عمل مجتمعي وثقافي نبيل. يعيش الناس ويموتون على الصداقة ، في الواقع ، ترجع شخصيتك اليوم إلى صداقة كانت لديك وتطورت على مدى سنوات وسنوات. ومع ذلك ، يجب أن تكون الصداقة دائمًا بين الناس أيضًا ، ولكن أيضًا ، يمكن تطويرها بأشياء مادية مثل الكتب والموسيقى والرسم. لقد أثبت الناس علاقات ودية مع بعضهم البعض ، مع الحيوانات والمخلوقات الأخرى. ومع ذلك ، من المهم أن نفهم من هو أعز شيء بالنسبة لنا.

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Art & Design

 Art & Design

Monday, February 6, 2012

Multiple learning Levels

I came across a source on how learning occurs in multiple levels. Drawing attention to Bloom's taxonomy and what research centers and websites have revealed, that Bloom's cognition theory could not explain how learning occurs in our minds and how it last as we get older.

Theories about cognition such as Bloom's taxonomy support the idea that learning takes place on many levels. What is still not clear is how the brain actually moves between these levels.
But to assume that the brain learns using the linear hierarchy suggested by Bloom's taxonomy is too simplistic. Rather, research indicates that the brain jumps wildly between levels with no obvious pattern or progression. "Knowledge is not seen as cumulative and linear, like a wall of bricks, but as nesting and interacting of frameworks. Learning is revealed when those frameworks are used to understand and act" (Barr, 1995, p. 21).

For the knowledge gained at the skill level to become part of a person's mental framework, the brain must be engaged on a variety of levels. According to Dr. Jerre Levy of the The University of Chicago, as quoted in Peak Learning, "brains are built to be challenged”. They operate at optimal levels only when cognitive processing requirements are of sufficient complexity" (Gross, 1991, p. 28) However, if the brain is over-stimulated, i.e., presented with a problem which is too complex and too challenging, it will not operate at an optimal level either. The goal, then, is to find the balance.

How do faculty provide the level of challenge and complexity that their students' brains require for deep and lasting learning to take place? How do they construct classroom activities and environments so that each student can experience learning to his/her full potential? How does our system support multi-level learning? These are questions that warrant further discussion.


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

RSA Animate - Changing Education Paradigms

Business controlling education to quench their desires in money making and ruining the education system in everywhere